Local Outreach Story: Making a Difference in our Community

“With all the things going on in the world, it can be frustrating knowing where you can help. Family Promise has given me an opportunity to help and make a difference here in the local community,” Mike Scott said.

Families make up 41% of all homeless and 60% of those are children. Family Promise partners with local homeless families helping them overcome obstacles that may be preventing them from reaching their goals.

The organization partners with local churches to provide lodging and meals through a rotation program. Families stay at a church for one week at a time then move to a different church at the end of each week.
Churches provide homemade meals so families can enjoy eating in a family setting. During the day, they move to a day house which serves as a central hub for case management. At the day house, they can shower, do laundry, search for jobs, and make connections with community resources. Customized case management is the core of the Family Promise program. Support may include assistance with pet fostering, job searches, budgeting, and other skills training. Volunteers walk with families to preserve each person’s dignity and respect.

There are many ways to support Family Promise. Families stay at Pathway campuses four times a year. During their stay, volunteers help them feel comfortable and at ease. For example, Home Teams may provide dinner and fellowship. Others may help with children in the evening so parents have an opportunity to unwind. Some volunteers decorate rooms to make them feel homey and welcoming. Tammy Shimon said, “You get to give to people that never give anything back to you and I think that’s what God calls us to do.”

Last summer, the Next Generation ministry at Pathway collected an offering for Family Promise. They were excited to raise $24,347 to impact homeless families in and around Wichita. But generosity does not just impact the families, the giver is also blessed. Family Promise volunteer Jaime Gatton said, “Serving is a privilege; the effect on my heart was priceless. I was blessed to be involved.

You can make a life-changing difference in someone’s life just like Tammy Shimon and Jaime Gatton by getting Minvolved in local outreach.