90 Day Heart Challenge

The 90 Day Heart Challenge is a great opportunity for you to surrender more of your heart to God, to build your faith, and develop a habit of giving to God through the local church.

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"Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me."
Psalm 51:10

Generosity isn't something God wants FROM us. It's something He wants FOR us. He blesses us so that we can be a blessing to others. As we ask God to change our hearts, He renews us in amazing ways!

So where are you on your journey of generosity? What is your next step? For the 90 days, we want to challenge you to give in a way that you never have before—in a way that is fully surrendered, radically changing, and in a way that CHANGES you, that changes your heart—that causes a real difference in your life. Give in a way that you know God would be honored and pleased by managing His resources well—not just from your income but from the total resources He has given you.

A great place to start is giving a 10th of your income, or a tithe, to God through Pathway Church. If you've never given consistently, this may be too big of a step. Maybe you start with 5%. You may already be giving 10%, and so your heart challenge may be to grow to 12 or 15%. The question is how surrendered is your heart to God? How could you be more consistently generous to God in your giving to Pathway Church?

While we know it can be a difficult step to take, we also know that true blessings come from going on this journey. But the Lord makes the promise that we can trust Him. Will you join us?