Home Team Discussion Guide

Trusting Hearts

Generosity grows your faith by taking a step of trust.
  • Generosity starts with a step of trust.
  • We will have wind and wave moments where it’s hard to trust.
  • Jesus wants to grow our faith and trust in Him through generosity.
SCRIPTURE: Matthew 14:22-32 NLT
  1. How did you do last week with your "I will" statement? (I will confess one sin to someone this week.)
  2. What is one thing that you are thankful for from last week?
  3. What is something that was stressful or difficult this week and how can we help?

  1. Read Matthew 14:22-32 out loud from two different translations.
  2. What sticks out to you about this story?
  3. What do you think it was like for Peter to step out on the water?
  4. What does this teaching tell us about God?
  5. What does this teaching tell us about people?

  1. Have you ever had a “wind and waves” moment that made it hard to trust God? What was that like?
  2. How have you seen God be faithful through the generosity of yourself or others?
  3. How would you describe your generosity journey?
  4. How can we pray for you and for each other as we seek to have the right heart about generosity this week?

I will talk to someone about my generosity this week

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